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Selfie Comic Hero
Become a selfie comic creator

You are the protagonist
Fresh Quest Comic is a 'Planet -First' (ok, a first on planet Earth, its been around for centuries in the Aucklandia Nebula, but don't tell anyone) as a comic selfie app. When it comes to automatically editing you or your child's face into the comic pages this Face-swapper app is the place to look. The selfie camera recognition system identifies you are human, (your Mother may disagree) that facial recognition can sometimes be difficult in low light conditions or busy environments where the background is complicated, things like trees, a few faces in the room, patterned wallpaper, purple tree fungi people from Andromeda 6 etc, can confuse the comic selfie app technology.
So check the lighting and background and use wisely!
This pioneering software then removes the background and is especially tricky zones around the hairline. This is why we offer a range of free hairstyles so you look your best at all times.
The three selfie images are cropped, scaled, tilted and positioned into the correct layer within the appropriate comic page. All this happens in a split second so you don't even have time to get a nice hot cup of Martian sludge drink.
Life itself is a story we all travel through and learn from the people around us, our little space adventure is the same. You will meet new people (ha, when I say people...I mean eight legged monks with migrating tattoos on their faces) who will assist you with your unique quest. And like like itself some will be less than friendly. The gallery below shows just a few of the likely characters in the early stages of our comic selfie app that you will meet. Treat everyone with respect and learn something from everyone, no matter how many legs they have.
Attack Drones
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