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Selfie Comic Hero
Become a selfie comic creator

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셀카 만화 앱 문제
모든 선구적인 기술은 위험하고 Fresh Quest Comic은 다른. 우리의 디자이너와 소프트웨어 엔지니어는 일했습니다 우리가 할 수있는 최고의 제품을 제공하기 위해 지칠 줄 모르고. 헌신적인 팀 '를 매일 개선하십시오. 셀카 만화 앱'은 이러한 위험을 줄이고 더 나은 제품을 제공하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 거기 셀카 만화를 보는 즐거움을 감소시킬 수 있는 많은 요소 일부 문제는 소프트웨어가 찾을 수 있는 조명 환경일 수 있습니다. 도전적인.
바라건대 아래 답변이 도움이 될 것입니다.
The App keeps crashing!The most common reason the app would crash is due to insufficient memory on your mobile device to run it. The Fresh Quest App is 150-200mg's depending on which episode you are downloading. Episode one is the largest of the series. So check how much space you have by downloading a free memory check app or check the 'Settings" on your device. Please make space by deleting unused apps, music, videos or photos.
Where do my 'Selfie' pictures go?The images taken with the selficam are kept in the App software ready for use the next time you download a new episode. So you can keep your favourite expression or hairstyle for the next comic. The 'seflie' images are NOT loaded into iPhoto or uploaded out of your device. They are your personnal property.
How many times can I download an episode?Once an episode has been purchased it can be downloaded endlessly for free on any IOS device. So watch out for upgrades and improvements which we make all the time. Simply press the 'Restore Purchase' button in the Comic Library Facility on the 'Home' screen to refresh the old comic episode.
I can't find the Codex Key Number?The Codex Decoder puzzle requires a key number to set the dials to the correct position to decipher the message. This key number has been hidden in the pages of this episode before the Codex page. The number may be written (eight) or numeric (8). Look carefully! For more Codex instructions simply press the 'Guide' button on the Codex Puzzle screen.
There are white pixels around my hair!Sometimes white patches appear around the head or face in a selfie. This is caused by the software struggling to define the boundary between you and the background. For best results avoid complicated backgrounds with lots of shapes and colours-wallpaper, outdoors. Check your face is the only face in the picture. Contrast is important so choose a background that defines your hair and skin color well. So, dark hair against light backgrounds and light hair against dark backgrounds. For best results find a plain white door or wall to photograph against.
My face is not detected in the selficam.There are three reasons why this may occur: 1. Your face is not positioned in the selficam frame correctly. 2. The background is too complex to define the boundaries of your head. 3. Light levels are too low. Please avoid flash and artificial lighting for best results.
I can't find the selficam!The selficam first appears when you open the app. The second time you open the app the Emotion Gallery may appear first. To access the selficam press the lens icon in the Emotion Gallery vacant grid space.
Can I put my pet in the comic?The facial recognition software only identifies human faces.
Can I use my 'Selfinaut' portrait for Social Media?You can take a screen-grab of the comic page and crop it in a photo editing suite, Photoshop, Lightroom or iPhoto. Then upload it to Facebook or other social media platforms. But the Fresh Quest App has no mechanism, code or system for direct transfer of images to the web.
Can I purchase Episode 2 onwards without downloading Episode 1?No, thats not possible. Episode One is the App software framework, the 'body of the book' if you will. Thats why its the largest of all the episodes and also free. Any later episodes simply swap out the prevoius pages without the need to download the camera and all the interfaces etc. Thats why your selfies are the same in every episode unless you decide to change them.
Why can't I keep my own hair?The facial recognition software is sophisticated but it does have limitations. As anyone proficient in PhotoShop knows editing backgrounds behind hair is a technical challenge, even for desktop monster editing program like PhotoShop. So to auto-edit in a mobile device to the same standard is not technically possible. We are working constantly on upgrades to our app but until mobile devices catchup with desktop power the Hollywood hairstyles is our best option.
The screen is too small!Fresh Quest Comic has een designed for iPad tablets. As traditional comic formats are roughly A4 paper size we wanted to keep the comic selfie app that tradition comic format. Some newspapers are readable on iPhone but the contrast level are very high with the print being just black & white. A comic has lower contrast levels due to its array of full colour images and backgrounds.
Why is the Comic Selfie app not on Android?There are a number of reasons for the app being in IOS only. Firstly the development costs for both platforms are very high so we had to choose which one to start with. The IOS platform has a consistent screen size which makes generating artwork simpler. The Android platform requires a number of different screen formats which would require a the artwok to be resized. We do have plans in the near future to introduce the Fresh Quest Comic Selfie App on Android devices via Google Play.
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