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Space ship gallery

bluebird one
Your trusty spaceship-Bluebird One, fabricated only from the finest household trash available. No other comic selfie app has such an environmental spaceship. Who Knew! A cacophony of discarded household packaging. But the old girl has a number of secrets hidden deep in her bottomless cargo bay.
A near endless supply of wooden crates loaded with useless junk-until you need it. And then it's priceless.
Propulsion Systems
Reaction Engines
The dual reaction engines are employed in Earth-like gaseous atmospheres. This bad-boy propulsion system is capable of reaching speeds up to Mach 5.
Liquid Rocket Engines
When its time to leave a planetary gravitational field, you need power. The methane/liquid oxygen rocket engines deliver that by the bucketload via the four de Laval Rocket boosters. Feel the burn!
Ion Thrusters
Space is big and I mean BIG! Current estimates suggest somewhere around 93 billion light-years across (and it's expanding). So its time to switch on the cluster of nine ION drive thrusters, because your ship just can't carry enough fuel to get you to the inconvenient store and back. They are slow 45,000-112,000 mph, but they last a long long time.
Chocomoccaloco Drive:
Then there are the wonderful chocomoccaloco engines that create a warp bubble distortion effect pushing Bluebird One near to the speed of light, a stonking 185,000 miles per seconds.
There is always a downside or a toxic outcome to any technology, the unfortunate by-products, in this case, are buckets of hot chocolate and heaps of strawberry marshmallows. Which given you are on a bazillion mile space journey with no convenience store for at least 23,000 light-years, hot chocolate, and strawberry marshmallows are just part of a growing selfinaut's well-balanced diet...perhaps?
Invention of
morse code
Two developments in the field of electricity opened up new opportunities for the electrical transmission of messages over long distances. The Italian physicist Alessandro Volta, invented the battery in 1800. The second development was by Danish physicist Hans Christen Oersted who demonstrated the connection between electricity and magnetism in 1820.
The first commercial use of the telegraph was developed by William Forthergill Cooke and Charles Wheatstone in 1837. They developed a device which used five electric needles to signals to point at letters of the alphabet on a grid. This system was used on the British railway system.
Then in 1838, Samuel Morse and his assistant Alfred Vail demonstrated a system which used a special code-Morse Code. In order to make the code as efficient as possible Morse designated the most common letters and vowels the shortest code (e=dot). This increased the words per minute (WPM)that could be sent by an operator. In 1843, Morse and Vail received funding from the U.S Congress. The system spread across the U.S and in fact the world. Other developments include improved wire insulation by Ezra Cornell. And the Quadraplex system which allowed for four messages to be sent at the same time down a single wire invented by Thomas Alva Edison in 1874. Extensive systems appeared across Europe and the first transatlantic cable was successfully laid in 1866.
[data credit: wikipedia]